Massage is an age-old therapy that can help relieve pain and tension in your muscles by addressing a variety of root causes. The following are some key elements of Stretch Massage Therapy:
- Stiff, tense muscles should be stretched.
- Improving blood circulation
- Reducing stress
- Creating a better healing atmosphere
Massage has beneficial effects on both nerves and soft tissues.
A therapist may work on your muscles, joints, nerves, and/or layers of connective tissue deep below your skin depending on the sort of massage. Deep tissue massage, trigger-point therapy, and neuromuscular treatment are a few examples of massage techniques.
The following changes may occur in your body as a result of a massage, reducing pain::
- Loosen and relax the muscles. Tight muscles pull on the sciatic nerve roots (or roots) in your lower back, which can cause pressure on them. Tightened muscles may also get trapped into painful nodules, producing trigger pain. Massage can help to stretch, loosen, and elongate these muscles, alleviating pain and function in your lower back and legs.
- Assist the circulation of healing nutrients. Massage increases blood flow and oxygenation through your skin and deeper tissues, aiding in the healing process. Increased circulation of blood, oxygen and other nutrients to injured areas stimulates healing by promoting tissue regeneration.
- Release endorphins. The muscles and bones of the body are covered with these tiny, delicate nerve fibers. Pressure receptors in your brain called special pressure nerves are stimulated by massage. Endorphins, a feel-good hormone produced by the body, are released when these pressure sensors are irritated.
- Reduce stress. Pressure receptors are also activated by stretching. This helps to decrease the amount of cortisol in your body, the hormone that causes anxiety. Reduced stress levels provide a sense of calm and comfort, as well as a lesser feeling of pain.
To rub aromatic oils or essential oils on your body is a common practice among stretch therapists. Aromatic oils used in massage therapy may have a therapeutic impact on tissues and help to relieve pain. These fragrances also help to create an overall relaxing atmosphere. If certain smells make you uncomfortable, let your therapist know before starting the treatment.
Why is Sports Massage so important if you are an athlete?
When given by a skilled expert, massage is usually quite safe. Occasionally, greater pain, discomfort, stiffness, and/or harm to blood vessels and/or nerves can be caused by the intense application of pressure.
What Clients Say About Us

This is like Magic!
I've been to see Chantel at Performance Bodyworks three times now over the past couple of months. I can't even begin to describe the magic she is able to do-- through her stretch therapy, she is able to release all the tension I have in the different parts of my body so I am able to walk out of her office feeling a million times better and less stressed than when I initially walked in. I'm able to achieve with her what I have never been able to achieve even with the deepest of deep tissue massages. If you have chronic tension/pain/knots, I would highly recommend you go to Performance Bodyworks for a stretch therapy session ASAP.
~Pantea Fozouni

Enjoying greater mobility!
I have begun stretch therapy with Chantel to assist with chronic knee pain. She was able to suggest some ways to help and I enjoyed greater mobility after the appointment.
- Jeff Suderman

I Feel like New Woman!
Had my first session today and OMG! I feel like a new woman!! Chantel is the bomb! She helped my back pain tremendously! Even did cupping!! I’m really looking forward to more sessions with her! She was very easy to talk to and did an an amazing job! HIGHLY RECOMMEND ANYBODY GO SEE HER!! I think anybody could benefit from what she offers! Do yourself a favor and book an appt at Performance Body Works ASAP!!
~ Sammi

Thanks for putting me back together again!
Chantel the Stretch Goddess is essential to help with your body's recovery! Look her up on Instagram and follow her! Sports injuries, recovery after surgeries, joint pain, message therapy! Learn more about how your body works from Chantel! Thank you so much for putting me back together again! @the_stretch_goddess
~ Nicholas Oden
If you are sore after a massage:
Typically, after a massage, discomfort fades within a day or so. In the meanwhile, there are several pain-relieving methods to try.
1. Stay hydrated
Before and after your treatment, drink a lot of water. This helps remove pollutants or acids that may surface as a result of your massage.
Alcoholic, sweet, and caffeinated beverages should all be avoided. In addition to water, consider healthy alternatives such as coconut water, fresh fruit or vegetable juice, or herbal teas.
2. Stretch it out
Follow up your massage with a few easy stretches on your own. This helps to relieve muscular tightness, increase mobility, and improve circulation. It's also a wonderful method to connect with your body, unwind, and relax your mind.
3. Heat therapy
To enhance relaxation, warm your body up. Take a hot shower or go to the sauna. Add baking soda or Epsom salt to a bath and soak for up to 30 minutes. For up to 15 minutes at a time, use a heating pad or a hot rice bag on any painful regions of your body.
4. Essential oils
You may also utilize essential oils for pain alleviation. Add a few drops of essential oil to your bath or shower, or use a diffuser if you have one. Alternatively, combine essential oils with a carrier oil for topical application or as part of a compress.
5. Rest
Take some time to relax and unwind. If you can, schedule time to relax after your massage. Use pillows to elevate your feet and legs, and take some leisure by listening to music or reading a book.
Call us today for all of your stretch, massage and body movement. We are here to help!